Wednesday, December 29, 2010

a 400 years old love poem

"Throne of my lonely niche, my wealth, my love, my moonlight.
My most sincere friend, my confidant, my very existence, my Sultan
The most beautiful among the beautiful...
My springtime, my merry faced love, my daytime, my sweetheart, laughing leaf...
My plants, my sweet, my rose, the one only who does not distress me in this world...
My Istanbul, my Caraman, the earth of my Anatolia
My Badakhshanmy Baghdad, my Khorasan
My woman of the beautiful hair, my love of the slanted brow, my love of eyes full of mischief...
I'll sing your praises always
I, lover of the tormented heart, Muhibbi of the eyes full of tears, I am happy."

salam ,, korang pena denga tak name SULEIMAN KANUNI  ?? klu x igt , cube tengok balek buku teks sejarah form4 . suleiman the magnificient ny is one of the pemerintah masa zaman kerajaan turki uthmaniyah .
actually , panjang kott klu nk cite satu2 psl suleiman al kanuni ny sbb kehebatan dia mmg x bole dipertikaikan sebab kerajaan turki uthmaniyah ialah kerajaan ISLAM yg plg lme bertahan..
 and , there's a CERITA CHENTA mase tuh .
between suleiman al kanuni and roxelana , which is once a harem girl . ape maksod harem tuh ?
find it urself . huahuahua .
roxelana is also wifey kesayangan sultan ..
poem kt atas tuh is writed by suleiman al kanuni to roxelana by using his pen name -Muhibbi
yg english tuh translation nyer .BEST r :)
 and i'm quite interested to find out more bout this after denga my cikgu sejarah cerita .
cikgu saya mmg tahu mcm2 cerita . seronokk :)

 this is roxelana .

ini laa suleiman the magnificient .

thanks for reading wahai budak comel